Skruvad snötraktor
Anno 1924
Ett härligt konceptbygge från Armstead Snow Motors Company .
Så här skrev Time magazine om skapelsen som blev kallad ”The Fordson Snow Devil” i januari 1926.
“ Having used the motor car for almost every other conceivable purpose, leading Detroit automobile makers have now organized a company entitled ”Snow Motors Inc.,” to put out a machine which will negotiate the deepest snowdrifts at six to eight miles an hour. The new car will consist of a Ford tractor power-plant mounted on two revolving cylinders instead of wheels—something on the order of a steam roller. The machine has already proved its usefulness in deep snow previously unnavigable. One such machine has done the work which formerly required three teams. In Oregon a stage line uses a snow motor in its two daily round trips over the Mackenzie Pass between Eugene and Bend. Orders are already in hand from Canada, Norway, Sweden, and Alaska. The Hudson Bay Co. has ordered a supply to maintain communications with its most northern fur-trading stations. The Royal Northwest Mounted Police have also gone into the market for snow motors, and may cease to be horsemen and become chauffeurs, to the deep regret of cinema people. A number of prominent motor makers have also been interested in the proposition from the angle of adapting the snow motors equipment to their ordinary models. Hudson, Dodge and Chevrolet are mentioned especially as interested in practical possibilities along this line.
Undrar om det dök upp något exemplar till Sverige, någon av er läsare som har koll och vet mer om ”The Snow Devil” ?